Almost One

To my dearest Landon, 

After it rains a beautiful rainbow emerges, that rainbow is you. Did you know that when mommy and daddy look at you, we are reminded that God is faithful? Because we do. 

We are so grateful that you are here and can’t believe that a year ago you weren’t (not outside yet anyway..) You are such a sweet boy, and I’m not just saying that because you’re my sweet boy, you really are.

Everywhere we go we hear   “look at that smile, he has such a beautiful smile”.



It brings light to any room and from the days that it was gummy to now that it’s filled with 7 teeth, it’s my favorite smile. But back to the teeth, I can’t believe they have emerged and so quickly rarely eat real food with them though, your favorite treats are paper, cardboard, tissue and anything else that you aren’t supposed to put in your mouth. 



Its so much harder to catch you now because you are walking ! What started off as a few steps here and there became daily trips around the house on foot, I hope you never lose your sense of determination. With each missed step you always get up. I hope you continue that through out your life.  


You have such an amazing sense of wonder, I love to watch you explore, discover new things, new smells, new textures, new sounds and new faces. But when you discover something mommy and daddy don’t want you to explore, I pray our discipline and prayers will not be in vain. When you hear the word no I hope you understand it doesn’t mean we don’t love you, it means we love you enough to protect you.  

We will not spare your hands or little butt from what will correct you. But know that we will always be there to hold your hand, we love you so, so much! 

I could go on and on because you are just that special, but tears blur my vision so I will end here. 

I hope you have the happiest of birthdays tomorrow. 

