Learning Tools for Toddlers featuring Popular Book Company


You are never too young to learn is a quote that would often leave the lips of my parents growing up. I was fortunate enough to be raised in a household with parents that always encouraged  learning outside of school in my siblings and I. It’s no surprise that when I became a mother I was eager to spend moments teaching and engaging in education educational activities.

Before Landon was able to talk my husband and I would read stories, point out everyday objects, foods, colours and shapes; all in the hopes of helping him learning with ease once he was able to speak.Now that Landon is three, he has many interests and one of them is learning new things. I’ve discovered his learning style seems to be very hands on. Simply hearing something isn’t enough. Popular Book Company has a variety of resources that help make learning fun!

Popular Book Company is a Canadian company that publishes workbooks and other learning materials. Founded in 1994 in effort to provide learning materials for preschool and elementary school. The company has since expanded with a line of successful workbooks and e-learning products in a variety of subjects like French and Science. 

We have EnglishSmart and MathSmart. With Landon gearing up to attend school in September 2021 ensuring he can identify letters, numbers, shapes colours and count are priority to jump start his journey to reading and learning. 


Landon and I take time to go through his activity book, choosing a page or two for him to complete each day, one with my support and another independently. I try to split my attention while he is learning to help promote independence and to observe what things does he find difficult, and how does he deal with it to help him develop healthy coping mechanisms. He’s been off to a great start and I can’t wait to see how much he develops in the next few months.Landon loves to colour, with his EnglishSmart he has many activity pages that prompt him to colour specific letters in the suggested colours. It helps him to group and practice his alphabet when identifying his letters. 

As a mom, seeing your child work independently is very rewarding. After explaining the initial task he can easily continue his work page with little to no support. I like that that EnglishSmart and MathSmart workbooks provide easy to more advanced activities through out, it will be something he can work on for months to come. September is around the corner and whatever you decide is right for your family in terms of in school vs homeschool, learning is always the right decision- I highly encourage you to check out Popular Book Company  as they have great learning tools for various age groups and when you do you can use the discount code: RENAI 


Don’t forget to share with other parents! Let me know in the comments what books catch your eye!

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